Apr 07

Joshua Alo - Answer your callingIt's very rare that I come across an album that I know is good only after the first listening session. It is even more rare when this is combined with the fact that I know none of the recording artists, but Joshua Alo's debut left me in awe.

Answer Your Calling is best described as an offering from the heart. The incredibly honest rhythm section is a true driving force. A mean, thundering bass combined with well placed heavy drum licks, rootical percussion, seventies organ sounds, guitar and hovering above that are Joshua Alo's angelic breathy vocals and ukulele. The backing combines beautifully and the players know exactly when to quit and leave the sound grounded.

You can hear everything going on in the studio; the touching of the ukulele and the guitar strings, Joshua Alo's breathing, spontaneous breaks and even the occasional drum slips have all been left in tact. It gives the album an organic feel and the listener a highly sensuous experience. You can almost smell and taste the music. The only production trick I could lay my finger on is an occasional echo and the obvious way in which the distant vocals are mixed in 'Almighty’s Creation', but to great effect still.

Apart from Joshua Alo himself the production crew is completely Italian and the album was recorded and mixed in Venice. The very raw roots sound is balanced not by production or levelling but by the sheer craftsmanship of it's performers and the subtle finesse adding vocals. Joshua Alo's firm belief in Scripture shines through in his self-penned lyrics which are predominantly religious in nature.

Joshua Alo was born and raised on the island of Oahu, Hawaii and he has been a sergeant in the U.S. Air Force since 1999 (what the …?). He has been stationed all over Europe and the Middle-East. All sorts of questions could be raised about Babylon and war and world domination but as honest as the album is so too should we listen without prejudice and with full attention. Currently based in Bahrain, Joshua Alo must have been cut into a full bloom diamond by the middle eastern sand he has seen so much of. Very charming and highly recommended!

(Teacha Dan, August 2007)

Fonte: Rootmusic NL

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